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Single Data Manager Client

A single entrecode Data Manager Client.

Client registration is needed to obtain access tokens. Due to the authentication flow of OAuth, the end user is sent to the OAuth Provider in the browser, and afterwards redirected back to the client application. The access token can only be sent to the client using a valid redirect URL that gets the token appended as query string parameter or cookie.

Clients have an alphanumerical ID and some configuration – primarily a callback URL that is used to redirect the user back to the client after successful authentication.

The JSON Schema is


Property Type Format Description Writable
clientID String ^[0-9a-z\-_]+$ Unique Identifier for a client Only on creation
callbackURL String Valid URL (RFC 1738) URL to send the user back to after authentication Yes
tokenMethod Array[String] query, cookie or body Indicates how the client expects the token to receive. Default: query Yes
disableStrategies Array[String] valid login strategy (i.e. password, google, facebook) Disable one or more login strategies for this client Yes
hexColor String 6-digit hex color #rrggbb /^#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/ Color identifier for editor. Yes


Relation Name Target Resource Description Possible Methods
self DM Client The resource itself GET, PUT, DELETE
collection DM Client List List of all available Data Manager Clients GET, POST
ec:datamanager Data Manager Data Manager this resource belongs to GET, PUT


The Data Manager Client List Resource is a Generic List Resource with embedded Data Manager Client Resources.

Possible Actions


To read a single Data Manager Client Resource, clients may perform GET on a ec:dm-client relation.

To read the Data Manager Client List Resource, clients may perform GET on a ec:dm-clients relation or on the collection relation of a single Data Manager Client resource.

In both cases, the success status code is 200 OK.


  "clientID": "default-web-client",
  "callbackURL": "https://my-client.example/callback",
  "tokenMethod": [
  "disableStrategies": [
  "hexColor": "#00beef,
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "curies": {
      "href": "{rel}",
      "templated": true
    "collection": {
      "href": ""


To create a new Data Manager Client Resource, clients may perform a POST on ec:dm-clients (the list resource). The JSON Schema for creating a new Data Manager Client is

Identical to Edit, but clientID and callbackURL are both required.

The success status code is 201 Created and the response body is the newly created single Data Manager Client resource.


To update an existing Data Manager Client Resource, clients may perform a PUT on ec:dm-client or self at a single Data Manager Client Resource. The JSON Schema for editing a Data Manager Client is

It is possible to make partial changes. Missing properties keep their old value.

The success status code is 200 OK and the response body is the updated single Data Manager Client resource.


To delete an existing Data Manager Client Resource, clients may perform a DELETE on ec:dm-client or self at a single Data Manager Client Resource.

The success status code is 204 No Content with an empty response body.