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Data Manager

Single Data Manager

The single Data Manager Resource represents an isolated “space”. A Data Manager can have any number models and assets.

The JSON Schema is


Property Type Format Description Writable
dataManagerID String Version 4 UUID (RFC 4122) The unique identifier for this Data Manager No. Gets generated on creation.
created String ISO-8601 formatted UTC Date String (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, RFC 3339) Timestamp of the creation of this Data Manager No. Gets written on creation.
title String Friendly name for the Data Manager Yes
description String A longer description for this Data Manager Space. Yes
hexColor String 6-digit hex color #rrggbb /^#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/ Color identifier for editor. Yes
config JSON  A JSON object for various configurations. See Schema for details. config.publicConfig (if set) will be available to the public API root entry point as config. Yes
config.users.anonymous boolean Setting for anonymous (token-only, no email, long-lived) user accounts Yes
config.users.password boolean Activates signup/login for users with email and password Yes JSON Activates signup/login for users with google. Properties clientID and clientSecret are required. Yes
config.users.facebook JSON Activates signup/login for users with facebook. Properties clientID and clientSecret are required. Yes
config.users.nwb JSON Activates signup/login for users with nwb/kiehl. Properties url, password, username and requiredRight are required. Yes
config.users.snipcart JSON Activates signup/login for users with snipcart. Properties apiKey and apiKeyTesting are required. Yes
config.users.hector boolean Activates login for users with hector. DEPRECATED Yes
config.users.privacyProtection boolean If true, no IP addresses are stored when tokens are generated. (Empty String instead) Yes
config.users.template String Choose a customEcPassport template to use. Yes
config.users.templatevariables JSON if template is used, you can supply custom variables here. Yes
config.disableUserEmailVerificationEmail boolean If true, no verification mails are sent after signup of users. Useful for importing legacy users. Yes
config.publicConfig JSON Arbitrary settings that are public in the API Root. Yes
config.customAuthDomain string URL Use email templates for a special domain as configured in ec.mail. Must equal a folder in ec.mail's templates. Exclude https, example: Yes
config.customAuthLinks JSON URL (keys: email-verify, password-reset, change-email-abort, change-email-verify, password-reset-abort) Use custom auth links in email, example:{jwt} Yes
config.customAuthSubjects JSON String or object with language keys (keys: email-verify, password-reset, change-email-abort, change-email-verify) Use custom subjects in email, example: f0rg0t p4ssw0rd? Yes
config.customAuthFrom string Use custom sender of the email, example: Mr. Sender Yes
config.customAssetDomain string URL Assets will use this domain for link building instead of the generic default. Include https, example: Yes
config.assetSettings JSON Global default for Asset Group Settings, see Yes
rights Array One of manageRights, editModel, editEntries, editAssets, manageAPIs Deprecated Array of available rights. Not included rights are not available. No
publicAssetRights Array  One of get, put, postPrivate, postPublic, delete, getTags, editTags Array of available rights for public assets API. Not included rights are not available. Yes
locales Array RFC4646 Available locales in this Data Manager Space. Yes
defaultLocale String  RFC4646 The default locale of this Data Manager Space. Included in locales. Yes


Relation Name Target Resource Description Possible Methods
self Data Manager The resource itself GET, PUT
collection Data Manager List List of all available Data Managers GET, POST
ec:assets Asset List Collection of assets associated with this Data Manager Space. GET, POST
ec:assets/deleted Asset List Collection of deleted assets associated with this Data Manager Space. GET
ec:models Model List Collection of models associated with this Data Manager Space. GET, POST
ec:dm-template Data Manager Template Template that was used when generating this Data Manager (optional) GET 
ec:datamanager/export Export Data Manager Postman Collection export of a Data Manager. GET


The Data Manager List Resource is a Generic List Resource with embedded Data Manager Resources.

Additionally, it is the entry point for the Data Manager Manager API. Because of that, it has an additional msg property with a greeting string (including the API Server version number).

Possible Actions


To read a single Data Manager Resource, clients may perform GET on a ec:datamanager relation.

To read the Data Manager List Resource, clients may perform GET on a ec:datamanagers relation or on the collection relation of a single Data Manager resource.

In both cases, the success status code is 200 OK.


To create a new Data Manager Space, clients may perform a POST on ec:datamanagers (the list resource). The JSON Schema for creating a new Data Manager is

The success status code is 201 Created and the response body is the newly created single Data Manager resource.

Create on customer database

If customer databases are available (this is a config option of the data manager instance, properties of customDBs), you can choose to create a Data Manager on that database. This cannot be changed afterwards! The customDB identifiers are not published.

Known limitations:

  • Data Managers on customer Databases cannot use Templates or be created with a template (Jul 2019)
  • Legacy Assets will not work (and will never, because they had global routes without connection to a data manager)

To create da data manager on a customer db, just send the property dbhost with the request like this:

  "title": "my customer data manager",
  "hexColor": "#ffffff",
  "config": {
    "disableLegacyAssets": true // always set this, because legacy assets will not work anyways
  "locales": [],
  "dbhost": "customerdbidentifier"

Everything created under this data manager (models, asset groups, roles, accounts, entries, assets) will be stored in the customer database instead of the main PostgreSQL database. All properties of the data manager itself are always written on both database instances.

Create from Template

When following the datamanagers/new-from-template relation, a query parameter templateID is appended to the URI. If the templateID is given, instead of a single Data Manager a new Data Manager is created using the template – including models and other configuration defined in the template. Then the request body is not required to respect the datamanager-template JSON schema, but instead to respect the schema in the templates' dataSchema property.


To update an existing Data Manager Resource, clients may perform a PUT on ec:datamanager or self at a single Data Manager Resource. The JSON Schema for editing a Data Manager is Title and description of the Data Manager can be changed. Locales can be added or deleted and a defaultLocale can be set.

The success status code is 200 OK and the response body is the updated single Data Manager resource.

The Data Manager configuration is heavily cached. For changes to take effect, wait for at most 10 seconds.

Update from Template

When following the datamanager/update-from-template relation, a query parameter templateID is appended to the URI. If the templateID is given, instead of a single Data Manager a new Data Manager is created using the template – including models and other configuration defined in the template. Then the request body is not required to respect the datamanager-template JSON schema, but instead to respect the schema in the templates' dataSchema property.

An update is only possible if the data manager was created with a parent template of the desired template.


To delete a Data Manager including all its data, clients may perform a DELETE on ec:datamanager or self at a single Data Manager Resource. This deletes the Data Manager permanently, including all its models, assets, and generated API resources.

It is not possible to restore a deleted Data Manager in any way, so handle this method with care!

The success status code is 204 No Content with an empty response body.


To export the structure of a Data Manager Resource, clients can follow the relation ec:datamananger/export and perform a GET request. This will create a Postman Collection which in turn can be used in Postman (or Newman Runner) in order to create a copy of the Data Manager. Note that only the Data Manager config itself, clients, roles, models, and policies are exported. Entries and Assets will be left behind.

The success status code is 200 OK. and the response body will be a object containing collection and dataScheme. collection is the Postman Collection and dataScheme is a JSON Schema of the required variables for the collection.

The exported collection can also be used for creating a template for Data Managers. But this won't be part of this documentation.