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App Stats

App Stat

The App Stats Resources represents statistics for all available Apps in App Manager. It shows all App regardless of an available permission for the specific app.


Property Type Format Description Writable
appID String Version 4 UUID (RFC 4122) The unique identifier for an App No.
title String Friendly name of the App No.
monthlyBuilds Object Monthly Object Number of monthly Builds for this App No.
monthlyDeployments Object Monthly Object Number of monthly Deployments for this App No.
totalBuildSize Integer Size of all created builds in byte. No.
totalBuilds Integer Number of all Builds. Failed and succeeded. No.
totalDeployments Integer Number of all Deployments. Failed and succeeded No.
usedCodeSources Array String List of all used CodeSource Plugins. No.
usedDataSources Array String List of all used DataSource Plugins. No.
usedPlatforms Array String List of all used Platform Plugins. No.
usedTargets Array String List of all used Target Plugins. No.

Monthly Object

Property Type Format Description Writable
key String YYYY-MM The Month in a year eg. 2016-05. No.
value Integer Number of Builds/Deployments in the specific month. No.


Relation Name Target Resource Description Possible Methods
self App Stats The resource itself GET
collection App Stats The resource itself GET
ec:app App List The list of all Apps. GET, PUT, POST


The App Stat List Resource is a Generic List Resource with embedded App Stats Resources.

Possible Actions

Editing or Deleting the App Stats Resource is not possible.


To read the App Stats Resource, clients may perform GET on a ec:app-stats relation.

The success status code is 200 OK.