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API Basics

API Basics

All entrecode APIs are REST APIs, or rather Hypermedia APIs. This means that the term REST is actually understood as intended by Roy T. Fielding – including the Hypermedia Constraint. See this blog post for a more in-depth description of REST and the difference to a simple HTTP-based API which is often mistakenly called REST API.

In short, data is partitioned in resources which manifest in representations. Those are transferred using a standardized format (JSON HAL) with standardized methods (HTTP/1.1, RFC 7230). Application flow between resources is defined by link relations. URLs are subject to change and must not be hard coded. Instead, link relations can be used to explore and use the APIs.

Available APIs

Account Server API

The account server handles user accounts, registration, authentication and authorization.

The Entry Point is, root relation: ec:auth

Data Manager API

A Data Manager is a generated REST API with completely dynamic, configurable resources. A user can, in general, have any number of Data Manager “Spaces”. The exact number may be limited by the customers plan. A single Data Manager Space manages Assets (Files) and Models with Entries (RESTful Resources).

The Entry Point is, root relation: ec:datamanagers

App Manager API

The App Manager is a tool for configuring, building and deploying Apps. An App can have multiple platforms to run on.

The Entry Point is, root relation: ec:apps


The Front-End editor for Account Server, Data Manager and App Manager is live at


Most API Calls require Authorization. The issued Authorization Token (access_token) has to be sent using the following HTTP Header:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWV9.TJVA95OrM7E2cBab30RMHrHDcEfxjoYZgeFONFh7HgQ

The token can also be sent via query string property _token.

The Access Token has to be acquired using the Accounts API. It is a JWT.


Link Relation names are those registered with the IANA. Additionally, custom link relations are used which are built in the form<relation>/<optional_subrelation>. Those relations are also links to their own documentation. For brevity, CURIE Syntax is used which results in relation names of the form ec:<relation>/<optional_subrelation>.

Generic list resources

In general (i.e. unless stated otherwise), list resources support pagination, sorting and filtering.


Link relations prev, next and first SHOULD be used for pagination. Internally, pagination is realized with the query string parameters page and size. page defaults to 1 and size defaults to 10. To get all items of a list, you may specify size=0. Note that this may take considerable time on large resources, so us this function with care.


To sort by a different than the default property, the following query string parameter can be used: sort={direction}{property} where direction defaults to + (ascending order) and can be set to - (descending order).


Exact Match: A query string parameter of the form {property}={value} can be used for an exact-match filter. If used with an ID parameter, only one item will be returned and no list resource.

Empty/Null: A query string parameter of the form {property}= (empty value) can be used for an is empty / is null filter, where supported (PublicAPI).

Not: A query string parameter of the form {property}!={value} can be used for an "is not exact match" filter, where supported (PublicAPI) - can also be combined with empty value for "not empty" filter.

Search: A query string parameter of the form {property}~={value} can be used for searching (non-exact-match filter).

Ranges: A query string parameter of the form {property}From={value} and {property}To={value} can be used for specifying ranges. If only one of the two is given, the other is minimum resp. maximum.

Multiple-Exact-Match: A parameter with multiple values can be filtered for exact match of all or any of a number of given values. {property}={value1},{value2} matches all resources where one of the two values is matched. {property}={value1}+{value2} matches all resources where both of the two values are matched. Note that properties with this functionality must not have values that contain ,, + or (Space) characters.

  • resource?page=2 items 11 to 20
  • resource?page=2&size=50items 51 to 100
  • resource?sort=price ordered by price in ascending order (lowest first)
  • resource?sort=+price same as above
  • resource?sort=-price ordered by price in descending order (highest first)
  • resource?id=38fa21 item with id 38fa21
  • resource?name=Doe all items with the value Doe as name
  • resource?name!=Doe all items with a name other than "Doe"
  • resource?name= all items with no name
  • resource?name!= all items with any name (not empty)
  • resource?email~=gmail all items that contain gmail in the email property
  • resource?priceFrom=100 all items with a price >= 100
  • resource?priceTo=100 all items with a price <=100
  • resource?priceFrom=50&priceTo=100 all items with a price between 50 and 100
  • resource?tag=foo,bar all items with the tag foo or bar
  • resource?tag=foo+bar all items with the tags foo and bar

All combinations are possible.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

The Same-origin policy usually prevents browsers from accessing remote APIs using XMLHTTPRequests (AJAX). This results in an error message like “No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.” and fails requests. To make our APIs accessable using Web Clients, we support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). And not the crude hack that is JSONP. This means, we generally send the following HTTP Headers:

Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Allow

Additionally, we send Access-Control-Allow-Headers with whatever is requested via Access-Control-Request-Headers.

Preflight Requests (HTTP OPTIONS calls) are responded to with an HTTP 200.