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Assets are abstract representations of files. Usually, they also contain one or more thumbnails in different sizes. Image assets also support different image dimensions.

Note on legacy assets: the former implementation is still available but deprecated.

Single Asset

A single asset.

The JSON Schema is


Property Type Format Description Writable
assetID String base64url-encoded UUIDv4 (^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]{22}$) The unique identifier for an Asset No. Gets generated on creation.
title String A string title for this Asset. Inferred from the original file name of the uploaded file. Yes
caption String A string caption for this Asset. Yes
type String one of image, video, audio, plain, document, spreadsheet, other Asset type No
mimetype String ^(image|video|audio|text|application)\/[a-z0-9\\.+-]+$ MIME-Type of the Asset file No
created String ISO-8601 formatted UTC Date String (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, RFC 3339) Timestamp of the creation of the Asset No. Gets written on creation.
modified String, null ISO-8601 formatted UTC Date String (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, RFC 3339) Timestamp of the last modification of the Asset No. Gets written on updates.
creator String, null Version 4 UUID (RFC 4122) The accountID of the creator, if available. No. Gets written on creation.
creatorType String ecUser, dmUser, or public The type of user that created the asset. No. Gets written on creation.
tags Array[String] Tag Array of string tags for this asset Yes
file JSON Main Asset file No. Gets written on creation.
file.url String URL The generated URL to retrieve the asset file. No
file.size Integer Bytesize of the uploaded File No
file.resolution JSON, null Properties width and height Resolution of the image file variant in pixels. No
fileVariants Array[JSON] List of File Variants, if this is an image. No. Missing image resolutions can created by requesting them.
fileVariants[].url String URL The generated URL to retrieve the asset file variant. No
fileVariants[].size Integer Bytesize of the uploaded File No
fileVariants[].resolution JSON, null Properties width and height No
thumbnails Array[JSON] List of Thumbnails. No. Missing thumbnail resolutions can created by requesting them.
thumbnails[].url String URL The generated URL to retrieve the asset thumbnail. No
thumbnails[].dimension Integer Resolution of the square thumbnail image in pixel. No
isUsed Boolean Indicates if this Asset is used in an Asset/Assets field of an Entry in this Data Manager. No, dynamically changes its value.
duplicates Integer Number of duplicate Assets of this Asset in the same Asset Group. No, dynamically changes its value.


Relation Name Target Resource Description Possible Methods
self Asset The resource itself GET, PUT, DELETE
collection Asset List List of all available Assets in this Asset Group GET, POST
ec:dm-asset/file File The main file URL. GET
ec:dm-asset/file-variant File File variant URL(s) GET
ec:dm-asset/thumbnail File Thumbnail URL(s) GET
ec:dm-asset/duplicates Asset List List of Assets that are duplicates, if applicable GET

Using the ec:dm-asset/file-variant and ec:dm-asset/thumbnail relations (both are templated URLs) you can get different sizes of images and thumbnails. The size property is a minimum-size the target image should have. The next bigger configured size is returned. There are global default sizes, that can be overwritten in Data Manager settings and Asset Group Settings. In the fileVariants/thumbnails JSON properties only files that were requested before are included. Use the relations to trigger rendering of new sizes; they get returned immediately.

Updating Assets

To update an existing Asset Resource, clients may perform a PUT on ec:dm-asset or self at a single Asset Resource.

Partial updates are possible. Changeable properties are title, tags and caption. It is not possible to change the file itself.


The Asset List Resource is a Generic List Resource with embedded Asset Resources.


(additionally to the default relations)

Relation Name Target Resource Description Possible Methods
self Asset List The Assets List GET, POST
ec:dm-asset/by-id Asset Templated Link to Assets GET, PUT, DELETE
ec:dm-assets/options Asset List Templated Link to Assets list GET
ec:dm-assetgroup Asset Group Asset Group of this Asset List GET, PUT
ec:api Generated API Entry point Root page of the generated API GET

Creating Assets

To create a new asset, upload a file with content type multipart/form-data (RFC 2388) . MIME Type and basic properties are inferred from the uploaded file(s). The field name should be file. Multiple files can be uploaded at once to create multiple assets with one call. Assets always have to be uploaded to exactly one Asset Group. It is also possible to create an asset from an url. Simple attach the desired files with the field name url and DataManager will load the files and create assets.

Response: 201 created if everything went well. Response will contain the created Asset resource(s).


By default, a filename is generated using the original file's filename. You can also set the field name to something else than file to overwrite the filename – even sub-paths are possible this way. Note that if you want a file extension, you still have to deliver the file extension in the field name. On the other hand, it is possible this way to have files online without an extension. As an option, a random filename can be generated. This may be better for user-uploaded stuff. For that, send the field preserveFilenames with value false. The file extension is inferred from the uploaded file. The default (preserveFilenames=true and includeAssetIDInPath=true) may be different for single Data Managers or Asset Groups.


Variant sizes of image assets are normally generated on request. This should be the default. Once requested for the first time, they are generated. In some cases it may be useful to have a specific variant size right upon creation of the asset. This can be done by sending defaultVariants property, which should be a (stringified) Integer or Integer Array. The value(s) should be a subset of the configured image sizes.


By default, a de-duplication check is performed. Assets that already exist in this Asset Group are rejected with Error 2375. If you want to disable this check and enforce uploading the file, you may send the field ignoreDuplicates with value true in the multipart/form-data request. If you want to receive an already uplooaded file, you may send the field deduplicate with value true in the multipart/form-data request. You will then receive the first duplicate file for any given upload.

Sending other properties in the fields was a feature of legacy assets and is deprecated.

Re-Rendering of variants

It is possible to re-render an image variant or thumbnail. This is an internal route which needs special privileges (dm-root:<dataManagerID>:assetgroup:<assetGroupID>:assets:render). It is not published as hypermedia link. It is a POST to /a/<shortID>/<assetGroupID>/<assetID>/render with the post body defined by

Single Asset (Legacy Assets)

A single (legacy) asset.


Legacy Assets are deprecated. They can be soft-disabled with the data manager setting "disableLegacyAssets": true.

Assets are abstract representations of a file, that can be available in multiple variants (e.g. different image sizes or localizations).

The JSON Schema is

Properties (Legacy Assets)

Property Type Format Description Writable
assetID String Version 4 UUID (RFC 4122) The unique identifier for an Asset No. Gets generated on creation.
title String A string title for this Asset. Inferred from the original file name of the uploaded file. Yes
type String one of image, video, audio, plain, document, spreadsheet Asset type No
created String ISO-8601 formatted UTC Date String (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, RFC 3339) Timestamp of the creation of the Asset No. Gets written on creation.
deleted String ISO-8601 formatted UTC Date String (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, RFC 3339) Timestamp of the deletion of the Asset. Only included when the asset is in the trash. No
tags Array[String] Tag Array of string tags for this asset Yes
files Array[JSON] File Array of actual files for this asset Yes
private Boolean Whether or not the asset was created private. Yes

Relations (Legacy Assets)

Relation Name Target Resource Description Possible Methods
self Asset The resource itself GET, PUT, DELETE
collection Asset List List of all available Assets GET, POST
ec:asset/best-file File Content-negotiated “best suited” file of this asset GET
ec:datamanager Data Manager Data Manager this resource belongs to GET, PUT
ec:tag Tag Tag of this asset  GET, PUT, DELETE

File Subresource (Legacy Assets)

This subresource is included in the Asset resource.

Property Type Format Description Writable
mimetype String  RFC 2046 The MIME Media type for this file  No 
url String RFC 3986 The URL of the file for retrieval. Can be overwritten with custom asset url (datamanager config customAssetDomain No
size Number Integer Size of the file in Bytes No
resolution JSON JSON object with additional metadata for this file. For image assets, it will contain properties like width and height to indicate the image resolution. No
locale String RFC5646 Syntax (en-US, de-DE, …) Locale of the asset file Yes
created String ISO-8601 formatted UTC Date String (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, RFC 3339) Timestamp of the creation of the file No
modified String ISO-8601 formatted UTC Date String (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, RFC 3339) Timestamp of the last modification of this file No

List (Legacy Assets)

The Asset List Resource is a Generic List Resource with embedded Asset Resources.


To read a single Asset Resource, clients may perform GET on a ec:asset relation.

To read the Asset List Resource, clients may perform GET on a ec:assets relation or on the collection relation of a single Asset resource.

In both cases, the success status code is 200 OK.


To create a new asset, upload a file with content type multipart/form-data (RFC 2388). MIME Type and basic properties are inferred from the uploaded file(s). The field name has to be file. Multiple files can be uploaded at once to create multiple assets with one call. You can also send a field tags or title to overwrite the default title and tags. tags must be a JSON.stringified array of strings.

Additionally a boolean field private can be sent to specify if the created asset should be private (read: only accessible by the creating user) or public (read: accessible by everyone in the data manager).

Response: 201 created if everything went well. Response will contain link relations to newly created asset(s). They will not be embedded, however.


To update an existing Asset Resource, clients may perform a PUT on ec:asset or self at a single Asset Resource.

Partial updates are possible.

Files: Include to change locale of single files (ec:asset/file resource properties url and locale are required). If included, all files have to be included in the array. Files not included will be deleted.

To merge two assets, include a link relation to another asset in a PUT request (HAL links list should contain an ec:api/asset link relation). The target asset(s) will be merged into this one, if possible.

To add an additional representation to an asset resource (e.g. another image resolution or document localized for another locale), the new file is POSTed to the ec:api/asset resource with content type multipart/form-data (RFC 2388). The field name has to be file.


To delete an asset, including its file representations, send a DELETE request to the ec:api/asset resource. This will move the asset to the trash.

Deleted Assets

Deleted assets are the same as regular assets, however they have the deleted timestamp set. They get permanently deleted after some time.

To permanently delete a deleted asset right away, it has to be called with HTTP DELETE and the query string parameter destroy=destroy. Output is 204 NO CONTENT.

To restore a deleted asset, simple call DELETE on the deleted asset, without any additional query string parameter. Output is 200 OK.