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Data Manager Role

Single Data Manager Role

A single entrecode Data Manager Role.

Data Manager Accounts can be organized using Roles (Groups). This is needed to assign permissions to users, because model permission policies can only be assigned to roles and not to accounts directly.

There are default roles in Data Managers where new users get added to automatically. This is a behavior that can be configured for each role.

The JSON Schema is


Property Type Format Description Writable
roleID String Version 4 UUID (RFC 4122) The unique identifier for a role No. Gets generated on creation.
name String   Friendly name for the role Yes
label String  A label for the role (filterable, for categorizing roles) Yes
addUnregistered Boolean    Whether or not new anonymous accounts should be added to this role   Yes
addRegistered Boolean Whether or not new registered accounts should be added to this role  Yes
accountsCount Integer   Number of accounts with this role No


Relation Name Target Resource Description Possible Methods
self DM Role The resource itself GET, PUT, DELETE
collection DM Role List List of all available Data Manager Roles GET, POST
ec:datamanager Data Manager Data Manager this resource belongs to GET, PUT
ec:dm-accounts DM Account List List of accounts with this role GET


The Data Manager Role List Resource is a Generic List Resource with embedded Data Manager Role Resources.

Possible Actions


To read a single Data Manager Role Resource, you may perform GET on a ec:dm-role relation.

To read the Data Manager Role List Resource, you may perform GET on a ec:dm-roles relation or on the collection relation of a single Data Manager Role resource.

In both cases, the success status code is 200 OK.


        "roleID": "53361701-09a9-4401-a438-73e1a767c45b",
        "name": "Anonymous Users",
        "label": "",
        "addUnregistered": true,
        "addRegistered": false,
        "accounts": [],
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": ""
          "collection": {
            "href": ""
          "ec:datamanager": {
            "href": ""


To create a new Data Manager Role Resource, you may perform a POST on ec:dm-roles (the list resource). The JSON Schema for creating a new Data Manager Role is

Identical to Edit.

The success status code is 201 Created and the response body is the newly created single Data Manager Role resource.


To update an existing Data Manager Role Resource, you may perform a PUT on ec:dm-role or self at a single Data Manager Role Resource. The JSON Schema for editing a Data Manager Role is

It is possible to make partial changes. Missing properties keep their old value.

The success status code is 200 OK and the response body is the updated single Data Manager Role resource.


To delete an existing Data Manager Role Resource, you may perform a DELETE on ec:dm-role or self at a single Data Manager Role Resource.

The success status code is 204 No Content with an empty response body.